Is your marriage or relationship unravelling, and on the edge of divorce?
Are you desperate to rescue your relationship or marriage?
I work with couples where you and your partner…
- avoid talking or having serious conversations because you are afraid of starting yet another fight
- experience considerable emotional pain and distress
- get caught in the same repetitious arguments without resolving anything
- feel anxious and that you are constantly “walking on eggshells” around your partner
- feel alone, isolated, and lonely within your relationship
- feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and exasperated
- are caught in unpleasant interactions [“dances”] with your spouse
- feel very damaged by patterns of bickering and “sword-fighting” followed by phases of distance and separateness.
If any of the above describes the current state of your relationship and how you feel, you may benefit from couples therapy.
Many of my couple clients…
- long to create and sustain a positive climate in their marriage or relationship
- desire to dance gracefully with their partner or spouse without stepping on each other’s toes
- long to feel heard and understood by their partner or their spouse
- crave feeling close and connected to their partner
- want to feel safe and secure within their marriage or relationship
- Wish to express openly their feelings with their partner
- desperately want a sense of togetherness
I offer psychotherapy and consulting services that can help you and your partner or spouse.
In our sessions I listen genuinely and fully to your concerns, to your needs, and to what is troubling and bothering each of you. I help to create a safe, caring, and nurturing space that allows you both to feel supported and comfortable. I provide an accepting and nonjudgmental environment where we work together to help you enhance and improve your relationship. Within this empathic “container” each of you is more likely to feel comfortable being aware of and expressing your feelings and thoughts to your spouse.
Psychotherapy is a process of joint discovery.
Working together, I assist you to:
- get unstuck and re-create connection in your marriage
- expand your options and choices
- learn more about yourself and who you are within your marriage
- gain clarity about what you really want and need, and allow you to express this to your partner
- discover what is nourishing for you, and enable you to convey this to your spouse
- be better able to genuinely listen to and hear your partner
- gain more awareness of your “dances” and interaction patterns
- enhance the way you relate to your spouse
- feel heard and understood by your partner
- feel a sense of we-ness and closeness with your partner
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples and families
In sessions with couples and families I incorporate the Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) model, which combines systems theory, gestalt/process-oriented therapy, and attachment theory. Through my experience with clients, I have found this approach to be powerful and transformative.
In EFT we work to break damaging and destructive communication patterns and to rebuild your connection. As a key part of the therapy process I observe and point out you and your partner’s present experience, thoughts and feelings. I also focus on your ongoing dances [patterns of interacting].. Noticing and becoming aware of the negative interactions cycles is an important step to allow you to modify these patterns to more nourishing ways of relating.
For more information about Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples go to www.iceeft.com ; Also read What is Experiential Psychotherapy?