Reach out and get the support that you need.
Many of the people who come to see me are depressed and frustrated. My clients often feel very isolated, and in spite of their best efforts they just can’t seem to pull out of this state. In a similar vein, in their relationships they keep ending up in the same unhealthy and toxic patterns. Does any of this resonate?
With my 25-plus years of experience as a psychologist and psychotherapist, I can accompany and guide you to heal yourself. In my Jerusalem and Tel Aviv clinics, I offer services and specialize in three main areas: Individual psychotherapy, couples therapy, and parent consulting.
Individual Psychotherapy
Do you suffer or struggle with…?
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Sleep difficulties and insomnia
- Stress
- Trauma
- Excessive anger
- Low self-esteem and low self-worth
- Grief and loss
- Food and body issues
As a psychologist and psychotherapist working with hundreds of clients, I have found that “just” talking about what is bothering you is not enough. To feel better and to move on we need to get to the core of what is really going on. One of the best ways to achieve this is to focus on the here and now and to use your emotions as a “compass”. In our sessions we explore what you are experiencing in the moment, in the session, as a gateway to accessing your deeper needs. As an adjunct, and where appropriate, holistic therapies may be incorporated into our sessions.